Market Entry Assistance

Trade and Investment Promotion Africa’s market entry consulting services help companies and organizations enter new markets in a number of different ways.

For companies that have ambitions beyond their local market, the Trade and Investment Promotion Africa offers a diverse range of market entry services, including everything from market surveys through to providing assistance with setting up complete business, retail, and industrial operations.

There are certainly international customers out there somewhere waiting for your products, technologies, and services – so why not reach out to some new international markets today with the TIP Africa’s Market Entry Consulting Services?

Our step-by-step Market Entry Consulting services include:

  • Quick Insights into Different International Markets
  • Market Lead/Contact Generation
  • Market Polls and Surveys
  • Market Feasibility Studies
  • Introductions to Government Trade and Investment Agencies
  • Trade Mission Design and Delivery
  • Guides to Some of the “Free” Government Resources Available – and the Advantages and Disadvantages of Each, Based on Your Unique Situation
  • Assessment of Foreign Market Entry Modes
  • Cross-Cultural Considerations
  • Guides to Potential Technical Barriers to Trade
  • Translation and Localization
  • Strategic Analysis & Market Research
  • Entry Strategy Development
  • Comparative Risk Assessment
  • Market & Business Plan Development
  • Growth Strategies
  • Business Incubation

Trade and Investment Promotion Africa’s Market Entry Consultants can also help you answer important market entry questions such as:

  • “Which overseas markets currently show the most promise and potential for my business?”
  • “How can I estimate the costs of entering a new market?”
  • “Does my company really have to be of a certain size before I can sell my products and services abroad?”
  • “What is the best way to enter a foreign market given my current budget? Which market entry strategies are available to me?”
  • “What are the most common mistakes to avoid?”
  • “What is the best way for small companies take on large competitors in new markets? How can my company apply these strategies?”
  • “What is the most cost-effective way for me to access a new foreign marketplace?”
  • “Where are my customers?”
  • “How can I make useful commercial contacts in a new market?”
  • “Is it more cost effective to focus on a single country in depth, or is it more cost effective to look more generally at a whole region at once?”
  • “How can I protect my trademarks and other intellectual property when I start selling overseas?”
  • “Which of my competitors are currently selling in these markets? Which market entry strategies did they use? How can I benefit from their experience and learn from their mistakes?”
  • “Which market entry strategy is right for my business?”
  • “Is there an easy way to estimate the success of entering a new international market before making a large investment?”